a Taylored Approach
9/11/2017 City of StarsLately, I'm all about themes so I'll hit you with one tonight. You make me feel good. A catchy song by the Satin Jackets with just those five words... simple right? I recently added it to my playlist after a weekend away visiting a trend-setting girlfriend of mine in La La Land. A chance to reconnect and explore, of course, with pretty drinks. Those tasty treats deserve their own posts as one involved an adult snow cone (thanks Gracias Madre). Even better, it came with a striped paper straw. Still a mix of a 5 and 85 year old inside, don't you worry. I know I've mentioned this before but it's worth repeating. There is something really powerful around the friends I have been fortunate to cultivate throughout my life. I use the phrase #GirlBoss at nauseam so until I decide what my own take on that is, I've come to find it's common throughout each of the gals in my gang. They are a boss and at different but complementary things. Put us all together and I'm convinced, we could run the world. When I am having a day where I am feeling insecure, they see the things in me I don't and give me a nudge to make me believe I can do it, wear it or say it. They'll take you to two Zara's to help you search for a bird duster that's basically as tall as you just because. As you're driving through West Hollywood to get to Griffith, they'll scream "pink house!!!" because they know it's your thing and cruise by slowly enough for you to get an image. Let's face it. An observatory is probably not the first place you would find me on a Friday afternoon. Visiting Griffith, however, I was all about it and one step away from starting for my search for Ryan Gosling and putting on my dancing shoes. Funny stuff aside, this place is a beauty with a capital B. It's my love of the Palace of Fine Arts tucked away in LA. Sure, I saw a few telescopes, I recognized a few scientists' names but most of all and more importantly, I was inspired. There's something calming about the scalloped Griffith. I loved the lines and immediately had a moment where I was hoping a La La Land flashmob would break out. I tried swinging around this lamp post and witnesses could tell you it was a total disaster, so I'll spare you. Needless to say, I have an opportunity to let loose and not take myself so seriously in a cheeky, candid photo and in life. Big time. Aside from a few captures donning my all noir ensemble featuring Celine sunnies, Alexander Wang and Old Navy Sandals, my favorite florals, birds of a feather (I know that's the wrong name but I prefer mine!) were sprinkled throughout as you made your way to the top of the G. Of course, they remind me of my gold birds and I'm convinced if you look away for one second, they'll come to life. Ironically, the photo on the right was the only one I took at that angle as we made our way round. An effortless click of my phone and I have to admit, I am pretty pleased with the result when you don't try so hard. On this stormy Monday night, bringing it back to the theme of you make me feel good, I'll leave you with a few of my favorite La La Land quotes. "A little chance encounter could be the one you’ve waited for." "Somewhere, there’s a place where I find who I’m gonna be. Somewhere, that’s just waiting to be found." “She captured a feeling, sky with no ceiling, the sunset inside of a frame." Fun colored themed content coming to you. Cacti, cocktails and pink houses. Inspiration gang's all here.
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