a Taylored Approach
8/14/2017 HappenstanceI learned a new word this weekend. Happenstance... the intersection of circumstance & karma. There are moments in life when stars align and pure magic is in the air. This weekend was one of those. It was my sister's wedding and a time where I have never felt more proud, more energized and more of a belief in the timing of life. I rarely get mushy. I rarely cry and would say am pretty cool, calm and collected when it comes to shedding a tear or two (or this weekend a few thousand). It was an emotional test, as the vain inner TC fears the dreaded "ugly" cry because that's no good photo op. But I was bursting with happiness (literally) witnessing what was the most amazing of love, friendship and new relationships coming together. For those of you reading who I may not talk to everyday, I'll give you the highlights. 1) My sister has never looked more beautiful, more confident and more sure of anything or anyone to have in her life. It was honestly an inspiration and a joy to watch. Her dress gave Kate Middleton a run for her money. It was also met with a realization I've still been super calculating in the career side of my life and need to give my personal one a little bit of TLC. 2) The rehearsal dinner setting at Hakone Gardens was intimate. When it came time to open the floor for anyone who wanted to say something about the happy couple, I was completely blown away with how many jumped at the chance. It is a testament to not only the kind of people my sister and now brother-in-law are but of genuine human kindness, happiness and pure love for the friends they have chosen to surround themselves with. 3) The wedding. As the non SCU gal in the family, I would say if you have never been to the Mission at Santa Clara, you need to make at trip. It is stunning, an aisle that is one hell of an intimidating walk but a setting you cannot help but be overcome by emotion with once you enter. I will never forget that moment standing next to my sister as she said her vows. Had I known I would be up next to them the entire time for those special words, I would have hidden extra Kleenex in her bouquet. 4) My dad's speech. Hence where this new word, Happenstance, has thankfully made it's way into my vocabulary. I was so proud of him for not only delivering words that were so Jordan but also a little bit of a comedy routine. Buzz words; open bar, phone conversations of dads with daughters vs. sons... just to name a few. This Bronco buck captivated the room. I've always known how rad he is but he was a tough act to follow. 5) My toast. Although I believe actions speak louder than words, this was a 3 minute wordy moment I was incredibly nervous about. Having been emotional all day, I was worried I would absolutely lose it the second I was handed the mic. But somehow, as I walked up to their sweetheart table, I was overcome with confidence and actually loved having a room hear me speak. In a big moment, you can totally surprise yourself. My favorite line, "Cue Pointer Sisters, I'm So Excited. I'm using a squeeze-it bottle for a mic and there's Jordan, charging around with zero cares and one amazing mop of hair." I think I've gotten enough emotion out to last me the next few months. You're welcome to anyone who sees me soon. I feel like I'm on happy pills. What Happenstance now means to me. Trust the timing of your life. I don't think I can say it enough. I've learned it can happen in big or small ways, even in the hardest of days. It can even be as simple as your mom calling you during your sister's bachelorette party to let you know she found the most amazing duo of gold birds walking into Home Goods; something that has been on my wishlist for years. And yes, my rehearsal dinner dress was also adorned with birds so you can sense my inner old lady. She's loud and proud but alas, timing. It might be a bit of a stretch but, hey I like the analogy.
Thank you for reading and to those who have embraced our families with such kind words this weekend. This post is dedicated to the best girl dad ever, the most chic wedding binder organizer, the sister who never doubted love would find her and my new brother who just gets her. Comments are closed.